I would love to tell you that I have no idea how signings keep getting better and better, but this one is a no brainer. Hoppy's Cantina is a phenomenal restaurant in Amesbury M.A. owned by my brother Sean, and his wife Danielle. I had the honor to be there with my wife Lisa and do a signing on a Saturday night. Just by chance an eight-foot surfboard table, commissioned by Sean for the restaurant, happened to arrive. A very creative local artist by the name of Conner Mulholland created, delivered, and then branded it on the spot. (see the video here). I was blown away that I got to christen it with my book signing. How can this get any better?
How? Have my sister Mimi show up with my two nephews, Seth and Alex, As well as Alexs’ girlfriend Cynthia, and their daughter Sega. Family there, now add friends and plenty of patrons that were either already friends, or became friends before they left at the end of the night. Great food, great drinks, great music and a great story easily blended together. I met so many cool people, had so many cool conversations, and I was fortunate enough to sign a lot of copies. There are many great moments that stand out to me. I learned a lot, as I always do.
For example, a woman named Wendy (sorry I did not catch your last name) told me about a site called "goodreads". Where avid readers can share books with each other. While with me, she checked to see if my book was on it, guess what, here it is, that is huge and I have a sneaking suspicion that this is at least somewhat because of my sister-in-law Danielle. The more people that share with friends on goodreads the bigger the Whistle Brigade continues to grow. Tell friends, book clubs, and anyone else you might think could use a Great American Adventure Story in their life. Escape reality for a bit.
I could go on and on….. it was kind of a whirlwind but I want to tell you about one last fantastic thing that happened, and as an author it was pretty incredible.
A young man named Trey walked in later on this night, his girlfriend Courtney works at Hoppy's so he was there to grab a bite and wait for her to finish for the night. Could I help myself but to strike up a bit of conversation? Anyone that knows anything about me knows the answer was simply, "NO". So it began, and we quickly became involved in a great conversation. Well - he bought a book and I signed it, and he started reading my book right at the bar as he waited for his girlfirend. Finally, Courtney was done and they were getting ready to leave when my brother asked Trey to tell me what he had just said to Sean. Looking over at me, Trey said, "It is like you followed me around during my childhood."
What a compliment! I will take that any day. Obviously, not everyone is going to like my story, maybe to real and rough for them, or maybe just not their style, but the reviews, and doors that have opened tell me that this is the real-deal and I back it up 1000 percent. One final note that I make sure to say at every signing, and every interview I give.